
若你之后想申请你毕业相关工作,或者是你曾在自己国家从事的行业,那么你就要携带你的毕业证书罗。,Anotherwordwecanuseis“profession.”Forexample:“whatisyourprofession?”Andevenmorecommonlyusedistheexpression“whatdoyoudoforaliving?,It'snotacommonly-usedphrase,becauseitassumesthatyouhaveaprofession(asdistinctfromavocation,acalling,ajob,independentmeans ...,Wewouldprobablysayeither“Whatdoyoudo?”Or“Whered...

what is your profession - 英中 - Linguee


profession (【名詞】職業)意思、用法及發音

Another word we can use is “profession.” For example: “what is your profession?” And even more commonly used is the expression “what do you do for a living?

What's your profession?

It's not a commonly-used phrase, because it assumes that you have a profession (as distinct from a vocation, a calling, a job, independent means ...

How do you say What's your profession in English (US)?

We would probably say either “What do you do?” Or “Where do you work?” We often don't reference the profession specifically unless we are ...

What is a Profession?

Traditionally, a 'Professional' is someone who derives their income from their specific knowledge or experience – as opposed to a worker, hobbyist or amateur ...

What is your Profession? - Iyob, Rahel: 圖書

My name is Rahel. I am a mother, I am a writer and illustrator. I was born and raised in Germany. My parents immigrated to Germany, which allowed me to grow ...

What is your profession and what is your business? How do they ...

A profession is a career or occupation that requires specific training and education, often leading to certification or licensure.

What's your profession meaning in chat?

So the profession refers to those activities through which a person can earn livelihood by skill and knowledge.

What's your profession : rentp

Currently a PE Teacher at a Japanese high school here in Tokyo. But I am studying a masters degree in Automotive Engineering.

Spartans what is your profession?!

Welcome to Martial Fusion® YouTube YOUR ENERGY IS THE HIGHEST CURRENCY® http://martialfusion.com Feel free to subscribe to our channel to ...